Psychokinesis And Me
Psychokinesis, also known as telekinesis, is the supposed ability to influence physical objects or environments with the mind alone, without any physical contact. The term comes from Greek roots: psyche, meaning “mind” or “soul,” and kinesis, meaning “movement.” Essentially, it suggests that a person can manipulate objects or even disrupt electronics just by focusing their energy or intent.

Some people report experiences where intense emotions, especially anger or excitement, seem to affect their environment—flickering lights, electronics behaving strangely, objects shifting, and, like in your experience, even bulbs breaking. Many believe this happens because emotions and energy fields become “charged,” similar to how electrical energy builds up and needs release.
I always had lights flickering when I had intense emotions going on.
The reason for writing this is because I had another huge experience. I was all charged up with energy and magick yesterday night. I went to walk up my stairs to go to my bedroom and the hallway lights just went ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF. Rapidly. No one was around. No one was near the light switches. A few days before that incident I was in the tub meditating. And sure enough the lights were flickering. I’ve just been extra lit up lately.
I’d love to hear others experiences with this phenomena.
I think I’ll do some experiments this weekend with this and get back to you all on the results.
Blessings and abundance to you all 🔮💜✨
photo credit: Sarai Chinwag