Tow words: So What?
Two simple words can be so powerful. Only if you give those words the right meaning. Those two words are So What?
Do not worry, I am getting to the point.
First I must explain a few things. So you can truly grasp the meaning behind these two simple little word. So bar with me. I know you are probably thinking. " What is this weird shit I am reading right now?" or Maybe "yea right" or maybe even "This might work for him but this will never work for me." Those thoughts right there are: First of all just thoughts. Thoughts are not, I repeat, not you. They are simply just thoughts. Nothing more Nothing less. Secondly, they are limiting beliefs. Now, you got an Idea what limiting beliefs are. ( that voice inside your head that always says yea but, or I will on and so on)
Now lets move on. I know I know "Get to the point, I do not have all day." I am getting there.
Limiting beliefs can be difficult to overcome. For many years I struggled with this. I knew they were there, I felt good, but I knew there was something else there. I could not seem to figure out what it was. Until one day, it finally hit me. I have a limiting belief about relationships. That belief was that I need a relationship to fix the lack. I need the lack to have a relationship. Therefore, I need to have, or feel, lack to get a relationship. Another ah ha moment came when I realized something else very important. When I say the word relationship, what do you think of? A partner, right. Your other half. The missing piece to you. Well, what about money? what about my relationship to money? See how one word can be so much deeper if we really think about it?
So now, I have identified a limiting belief, What now? How do i get eliminate it? (Yes, Finally he is getting to the point)
First of all, we are not eliminating it. (I knew this was a bunch of crap, why would I want to keep a belief like that? Why would I not want to just tell it to go away) I am getting to all that, but, like I said before, I must explain a few things. I know I know you already heard this before, that maybe true but it may not. You never know unless you actually do it. Anyways, No we are not eliminating that belief, rather intergrading it. Accepting it. Showing it love (WHAT????SHOW IT LOVE< I HATE HAVEING THAT FEELING WHY WOULD I EVER SHOW IT LOVE) Hold on, hold on, I am getting to that yes Accepting that belief, showing it love and taking the power it has over you away from it. Yes, it has power over you or it would not be there.
SO how do I do that? How do I show something I do not like about myself love? How do I accept something I hate? (Hang in there a little longer, I am getting there)
It is actually quite simple. Look at my personal experience above. I knew there was something. I did not know what or even how to "fix" it (the quotes are there because really there is no fixing I know that probably does not make any sense right now , but hang in there, it will) Ok I will now throw something out there. This is probably going to sound weird, or uncomfortable to you. That is ok. It is actually good. . Are you ready? Ok here goes . " I am love, loveable, and abundant." Now how does that feel? What comes up? (Yea right. This is so stupid. This is weak. so on and so on) What are those that come up? Thoughts. Thoughts are just thoughts they are not you. Now, when you have those thoughts, those feelings. say So what? I am love, loveable, and abundant. See, we do not want to just push away those thoughts. or just start thinking of positive thoughts. Of course that is better than nothing, but that is only a temporary fix. It is like getting a flat tier and throwing the spare on. You do not want to drive around on that spare for long. you want to fix the problem. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying do not thing positive thoughts, but if we just push away our negative thoughts (thoughts are just thought. Negative or positive are just different degrees in the thought. let me explain that a bit. Think of a thermometer. At what point does cold end and hot begin? There is no hot or cold only tempiture. Same rule applies to thoughts. I think you get my point) Now back to what I was saying. If we just push our negative thoughts away, we just simply burry them deeper in ourselves. Sure, it may feel good for now, but it will always come back. Usually worse and what do we do? push them away again.. You see, those limiting beliefs want to leave. We are keeping them around. weather we know it or not.
So, What do I do instead of pushing them away?
Simple. When they come up, we simply accept they are there, give love to it, and move on ( sometimes we have to repeat the first tow parts a bit) And how do we do that? by saying this simple phrase. So what? I am love lovable, and abundant. Repeat as needed. By doing this, we are sitting with these thoughts/feelings. Accepting they are there. By shedding some light on them .
Once you do this, you may feel yourself starting to go back to your old ways. back to thinking those thoughts. just remember So what? Remember the meaning behind those 2 little words. Another thing I do as well is: when those feelings come up. Thank them ( WHAT??? WHY??) These beliefs were formed as a safety feature. When something happened in your past and caused you to form that belief so that particular thing does not happen again. So your brain was doing you a favor at the time it was created. So yes thank it for being there but do not give it power. By saying those 2 words. So What? So, now that you have read this, now you understand more. You now understand what it means to live. You now have taken a big step in stepping into you true power. So now go live life How you were meant to live it.
So long story short, love yourself and the rest will follow. Love yourself and watch how your life changes. I sincerely hope this has helped you in your journey of life.
Thank you for reading this. If you would like to dive deeper into this concept, please feel free to contact us or book an appointment with one of us by clicking the link at the top.